Thursday, November 19, 2009

Great American Smokeout: Quitting Tips

Great American Smokeout: Quitting Tips

Updated: Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 10:28 AM PST
Published : Thursday, 19 Nov 2009, 9:49 AM PST


(MYFOX NATIONAL) - Today is the "Great American Smokeout" and the American Cancer Society is encouraging smokers to use the day to quit smoking or make a plan to quit soon.

The first national "Smokeout" was held in 1977. The purpose of the event is to set aside a day to help smokers quit smoking or quit using tobacco products, for at least one day with the hope that they will quit completely.

Quitting smoking and sticking to it is difficult to accomplish alone. Smokers are more successful in quitting when they have support from family and friends; use nicotine-replacement products and prescription medication; and read stop-smoking guides.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers these tips to help quit smoking :
• Set a quit date and make a plan
• Get help
• Deal with cravings and withdrawal
• Plan for setbacks

Quit Tobacco , a U.S. military site, says to smokers, "You’re Tough Enough!" and offers an online chat tool that will connect smokers with support people. The site also has a place for smokers to post their stories.

Quitting smoking will add years to your life. The American Cancer Society reports that researchers found that smokers who quit at age 35 gain an average of eight years of life expectancy, and those who quit at age 55 gain about five years. Even long-term smokers who quit at 65 gain three years.

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